
Showing posts from August, 2019

I just want to be where You are

Key of G V1 I just want to be where you are Dwelling daily in your presence I don't want to worship from afar Draw me near to where you are V2 I just want to be where you are In your dwelling place forever Take me to the place where you are 'cause I just want to be with you C1 I want to be where you are Dwelling in your presence Feasting at your table Surrounded by your glory In your presence That's where I always want to be I just want to be I just want to be with you V3 I just want to be where you are To enter boldly in your presence I don't want to worship from afar Draw me near to where you are B1 O my God, you are my strength and my song And when I'm in your presence Though I'm weak You're always strong C2 I just want to be where you are In your dwelling place forever Take me to the place where you are 'cause i just want to be I just want to be with you E1 I just want to be I just want to be with you

Seas of Crimson

Key of A V1 For every curse, you're the cure For every sickness, you're the healer For every storm, You're the calm For all that's lost, oh, what a Savior V2 On that cross of Calvary Every burden has been defeated Every wretched heart redeemed You drown our sins in seas of crimson C1 Hallelujah death is beaten Y'shua's risen from the grave Hallelujah it is finished All to You the highest praise V3 On that day of utmost glory All of darkness cannot carry Every shackle will come undone My solid rock thine is the kingdom B1 Where there was sin Your love rushed in Where sin runs deep Your grace runs deeper For all enslaved the ransom paid Light of the world, Yours is the power

Breath of God

Key of C Breathe Upon Me Breath Of God Breathe Upon Me Spirit Of The Lord As I Lift My Hands In Surrender To Your Name (Most High) I Am Yielding To Your Spirit I Am Walking In Your Love Y'shua, I Adore Your Holy Name.

Jesus Come

Key of C V1 You said if we would gather,  You will come  You said if we would seek Your face,  You’ll be found   P1 So we build unto You  A palace of praise  A throne room of worship for You  In this place we choose  To honour Your name  In everything we say and do  Let Your glory fill this room  C1 Y'shua come, Y'shua come  Come, we are longing for You  Y'shua come, Y'shua come Come and fill this room 

Let Your Glory Fall

Key of D V1 Father of creation  unfold Your sovereign plan Raise up a chosen generation  that will march through the land All of creation is longing  for Your unveiling of power Would You release Your anointing  O God let this be the hour C1 Let Your glory fall in this room Let it go forth from here to the nations Let Your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek Your face V2 Ruler of the nations  the world has yet to see The full release of Your promise  the church in victory Turn to us Lord and touch us  make us strong in Your might Overcome our weakness  that we could stand up and fight B1 Let Your kingdom come  (Let Your kingdom come) Let Your will be done  (Let Your will be done) Let us see on earth  (Let us see on earth) The glory of Your Son

Praise to the Lord (Psalms 113)

Key of C V1 From the rising of the sun  until its' going down  Praise to the Lord, Praise His name   Fill the morning with your joy  Fill the evening with your song   Praise to the Lord, Praise His name  C1 Praise to the one who is high  Above every nation  Who has raised us from the dust  To reign with Him  Praise to the one who is Lord  Above all creation  Praise to the Lord, Praise His name  V2 To the barren house He comes  To make of it a home  Praise to the Lord, Praise His name  To the empty heart He calls  Saying come and be my own  Praise to the Lord, Praise His name 

More than Anything

Key of C V1 More than anything More than anything I love Yeshua more than anything More than worldly wealth More than life itself I love Yeshua more than anything V2 Nothing in this world can take Your place Or ever take Your love away Someday I will see You face to face Look into Your eyes and say

Majesty (Worship His Majesty)

Key of G V1 Majesty, worship His Majesty To Yeshua, be all glory, honour and praise Majesty, kingdom authority Flow from His throne, unto His own, His anthem raise! C1 So exalt, lift up on high the name Yeshua Magnify, come glorify Yeshua the King Majesty, worship His majesty Y'shua who died, now glorified, King of all kings!

How Great is Our God

Key of G V1 The splendour of the King Clothed in majesty Let all the earth rejoice All the earth rejoice V2 He wraps Himself in light And darkness tries to hide And trembles at His voice And trembles at His voice C1 How great is our God Sing with me How great is our God And all will see how great How great is our God V3 Age to age He stands And time is in His hands Beginning and the End Beginning and the End V4 My God O Holy One Glory to the Son The Lion and the Lamb The Lion and the Lamb B1 Name above all names Worthy of all praise My heart will sing How great is our God

What a Beautiful Name

Key of C V1 You were the Word at the beginning You were one with Yehovah Your hidden glory in creation Now revealed in Yeshua C1 What a beautiful Name it is What a beautiful Name it is The name Yeshua HaMashiach What a beautiful Name it is Nothing compares to this What a beautiful Name it is The name Yeshua V2 You took on flesh so You could save us Now You're crowned with many crowns My sin was great, Your love was greater What could separate us now C2 What a wonderful name it is What a wonderful name it is The name Yeshua HaMashiach What a wonderful name it is Nothing compares to this What a wonderful name it is The name Yeshua B1 Death could not hold You, the veil tore before You You silenced the boast, of sin and grave Heavens are roaring, the praise of Your glory For You are raised to life again You have no rival, You have no equal Now and forever, Our God reigns Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the glory Yours is the Name, above all names C3 What a powerful name it is What a pow...