
Showing posts from January, 2020

Spirit Break Out

Key of Em V1 Our Father All of Heaven roars Your name Sing louder Let this place erupt with praise Can you hear it A sound of Heaven touching earth The sound of Heaven touching earth C1 Spirit break out Break our walls down Spirit break out Heaven come down V2 Yeshua You're the name we're lifting high Your glory Shaking up the earth and sky Revival We wanna see Your Kingdom here We wanna see Your Kingdom here


Key of Dm C1 Hallelu oh halle-hallelu Hallelu halleluYah Hallelu oh halle-hallelu Hallelu halleluYah V1 Give us rain, oh Lord, send your rain! Let your Spirit wash our hearts with pow'r, with your pow'r! Make us new, make us vessel, Lord, for You! Let the name of Yah be our strong tower!  V2  Make us strong, make our words a joyous song! Let the chains fall from our hearts in praise, in Your praise! And through Your Son, and the victory that He's won! Make us Lord to walk in Your ways! V3  Lift Him up, oh lift Yeshua up! Let the eyes of Yisrael behold Your Son! Messiah, King and the Lord of everything! Let Jacob call on the Holy One! O1 Hallelu halleluYah 3x

My Heart Overflows (Psalm 45)

Key of G V1              G                           Gmaj7 My heart overflows with a good theme;      C              D                       Em7    Am7 I re-cite my verses for the King.   Cmaj7                D  I bow before Your throne;           G             Gmaj7      Now I come to offer        C                    Em7  Am7 the sacrifice of worship,   Cmaj7     Am        D O holy, righteous One. C1    G O bless the Lord, Bm7                        C  Cmaj7 Bless His ho-ly name. G   Am7  C                     Am7       D For-ever I will let His praises ring.    G O, bless the Lord, Bm7                       C  Cmaj7 Bless His ho-ly name. G Am7       C     D          G I worship Yeshua my King

Jesus is Alive

Key of A C1 Hallelujah Y'shua is alive Death has lost its victory And the grave has been denied Y'shua lives forever He's alive! He's alive! C2 He's the alpha and omega The first and last is He The curse of sin is broken And we have perfect liberty The Lamb of God is risen He's alive, He's alive! V1 He is the author  And the finisher of our faith The stone they threw away Is the cornerstone today Death has no more victory And the grave has no more stain Hallelujah!  Hallelujah! V2 Wonderful Counselor A Mighty God is He The Everlasting Father He's the Precious Prince of Peace He's the Word that lives forever He's alive!  He's alive! 


Key of C V1 The head that once was crowned with thorns Is crowned with glory now The Savior knelt to wash our feet Now at His feet we bow V2 The One who wore our sin and shame Now robed in majesty The radi-ance of perfect love Now shines for all to see C1 Your name, Your name Brings victory All praise, will rise To Y'shua, our king V3 The fear that held us now gives way To Him who is our peace His final breath upon the cross Is now alive in me B1 By Your spirit I will rise From the ashes of defeat The resurrected King, is resurrecting me In Your name I come alive To declare Your victory The resurrected King, is resurrecting me 3x V4 The tomb where soldiers watched in vain Was borrowed for three days His body there would not remain Our God has robbed the grave Our God has robbed the grave

Here As In Heaven

Key of Em V1 The atmosphere is changing now For the Spirit of Yeshua is here The evidence is all around That the Spirit of Yeshua is here C1 Let Your presence be here Let us know You are near Your love surrounds us You're the reason we came Assembled in Your name Shekinah glory come C2 Spirit of God fall fresh on us We need Your presence Your kingdom come, Your will be done Here as in heaven 3x V2 A miracle can happen now For the Spirit of Yeshua is here The evidence is all around That the Spirit of Yeshua is here C3 Let Your healing go forth Li-ber-ate us from fear We need Your pow'r here Break ev'ry bondage now De-li-ver us to be free To live in vict'ry