
Showing posts from May, 2020

Send Your Rain

Key of A V1 Our ground is dry and thirsty Our land is parched and bare Give us rivers in the desert Let them overflow Come and rain upon us Wash us with Your water Give us life anew 'Til our hearts are owned by You C1 Send Your rain Send Your rain Pour out Your Spirit Water all the earth Send Your rain Send Your rain Fill us with Your power Flood us with Your love Send Your rain V2 Soften us with showers By the pouring of Your Spirit For Your streams are holding water Let them overflow Pour it out upon us To every tribe and every tongue We are on our knees proclaiming  Yeshua is the Lord

Spirit Touch Your Church

Key of A V1 Lord, we need Your grace and mercy We need to pray like never before We need the power of Your Holy Spirit To open heaven's door C1 Spirit, touch Your church Stir the hearts of men Revive us, Lord With Your passion once again I want to care for others Like Yeshua cares for me Let Your rain fall upon me Let Your rain fall upon me V2 Lord, we humbly come before You We don't deserve of You what we ask But we yearn to see Your glory Restore this dying land

The Lord is Holy

Key of A V1 The Lord is holy, The Lord is holy, We give Him glory and honor and praise The Lord is holy The Lord is holy Holy and just, righteous in all His ways. V2 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, Blessed is He and worthy of praises outpoured, Heaven and earth are full of His glory and grace, It's Yeshua who comes to inhabit this place. V3 My eyes have seen Yeshua on His throne My mouth will sing His praise and in Him boast He is the king of kings, earth and heaven sing!

Sh'ma Israel

Key of Em C1 Sh'ma Israel Yehovah Eloheinu Yehovah echad V1 Sh'ma Israel Sh'ma Israel Yehovah Eloheinu V2 Yehovah echad Yehovah tsidkenu Yehovah yeshutenu V3 Baruch shem kvod malchuto Malchuto le olam Le olam vaed V4 Yehovah is one Yehovah our righteous Yehovah our salvation V5 Blessed be Yehovah's name And His glorious reign For eternity B1 And I will love the Lord with my heart I will love the Lord with my soul I will love the Lord with my strength Yeshua melech C2 Yeshua melech! Yeshua melech! Yeshua melech! Yeshua is king!

Bo Ruach Elohim

Key of C V1 Bo, Ruach Elohim,  u'male et nafshi Hadreach otanu k'yeladim Rak b'cha anu chafetzim Anachnu mazminim otcha lavo C1 Baruch haba, Baruch haba Ruach Elohim Baruch haba, Baruch haba Welcome Spirit of Yah (Blessed is He who comes) V2 Come, Spirit of God And lift up my soul You're our Father and our Guide Lord, You are our sole delight We invite You Holy Spirit come V3 Come Holy Spirit come Come and fill us now For You are welcome in this place Show Your mercy and Your grace Come and fill us, Holy Spirit come