
Showing posts from June, 2020

I Look to the Shepherd

Key of D V1 I look to the Shepherd, He meets all my needs. Beside the still waters He faithfully leads. Bringing peace to my soul as His love makes me whole. C1 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me Follow me, All the days of my life Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All my life V2 And when in the valley of deepest despair, I look to Yehovah, His presence is there. Bringing peace to my soul as His love makes me whole.

Centre of it all

Key of F V1 Let my walk speak loud, and my words be true Let my life be whole and my eyes on You Lord I'm stepping out, from the comfort zone Letting go of me, holding on to You P1 Freedom comes, when I call 'pon the Lord Yeshua, my God C1 You are the centre of it all The universe declares in awe Your Majesty, I surrender all I make You the centre of my life Lord I respond with all I am You placed in me a heart that longs to seek Your face Your Majesty, I live to sing Your praise V2 I have found Your love, it replaces any fear You have done it all, I can trust in You Lord I'm stepping out, from the comfort zone Letting go of me, holding on to You B1 This is Your song, not mine It is Your song, that brings healing to this land This is Your song, not mine It is Your song, that brings freedom