
Showing posts from July, 2020

Lamb of God

V 1  Your only Son no sin to hide  Your majesty, You've laid aside To walk upon this guilty sod  And to become the Lamb of God C1 Oh Lamb of God sweet Lamb of God I love the holy Lamb of God Oh wash me in His precious blood My Yeshua the Lamb of God  V2  Your gift of love they crucified They laughed and scorned Him as He died The humble King they named a fraud  And sacrificed the Lamb of God C1 V3  I was so lost I should have died  But You have brought me to Your side To be led by Your staff and rod And to be called a lamb of God  C1


Key of A V1 Abraham:  Oh this must be the hardest hill I've ever climbed For I must sacrifice you promised son of mine And so I go to worship with you by my side And trust a sacrifice Yah will provide C1 Abraham: And though I cherish you, I must now offer you To God who is the giver of all good things And though I cherish you, I will now offer you For surely He could raise you up again V2 Abraham: Here on this altar I lay down all of my dreams And offer back to Him this gift He's given me And now Yehovah He has called me to obey And by His love He'll make a better way C1 B1 Yehovah: O Abraham, O Abraham Now that I know you fear My name Withhold your hand O Abraham, O faithful man Your only son, He's not the one Behold the ram,  Behold the Lamb V3 Congregation:  You took on flesh and lived and walked among Your own And by Your death our sins have been atoned The lamb of God who came to take our sins away And by Your love You've made a better way C2 Congregation:  And...