Show Us The Ancient Paths
Key of C V1 Lord we confess that we have wandered Far from Your purpose and plan And willingly walked in the wrong direction We've disobeyed Your commands Father forgive us, Spirit come lead us Back to the way Back to the truth Back to the foot of the cross C1 Show us the ancient paths Lead us along eternal highways We want to walk in the ways of Yeshua We want to enter Your rest Show us the ancient paths Lead us along eternal highways We want to follow in Your footsteps We want to enter Your rest V2 Lord it's Your mercy and good intention That constantly calls us to You Your infinite patience and kind correction Your covenant love coming through You are our hope and our salvation You promise joy You give us grace And courage to carry the cross V3 We want to leave a clear set of footprints For those who will follow behind Signposts in our lives that point to Yeshua A pathway they'll easily find We want to fill up Yeshua's sufferings As we obey Our lives display The glor...