King of Kings
Key of C V1 In the darkness we were waiting Without hope without light Till from heaven You came running There was mercy in Your eyes To fulfill the law and prophets To a virgin came the Word From a throne of endless glory To a cradle in the dirt C1 Praise Yeshua Yah in flesh Glorious in holiness God of glory, majesty Praise forever to the king of kings V2 To reveal the Kingdom coming And to reconcile the lost To redeem the whole creation You did not despise the cross For even in Your suffering You saw to the other side Knowing this was our salvation Y'shua for our sake You died C1 V3 And the morning that You rose All of heaven held its breath Till that stone was moved for good For the Lamb had conquered death Yeshua, You are the firstfruit Of all who has died in you As you rose up from the grave We know we shall be renewed V4 By Your blood and in Your Name In Your freedom I am free For the love of Yeshua Who has resurrected me In the last days You shall come Once agai...