
Showing posts from March, 2021

In Your Name

V1 Mercy, salvation in Your name  in Your name Cleansing, forgiveness in Your name  in Your name Healing, deliv'rance in Your name  in Your name Signs and wonders in Your name  in Your name C1 Y'shua, Y'shua, Y'shua,  All the praise, to Your Name Y'shua, Y'shua, Y'shua,  All the praise, to Your name V2 Strength and protection in Your name  in Your name Love everlasting in Your name  in Your name Power and honour in Your name  in Your name Glory, eternal in Your name  in Your name

Build my Life

Key of D V1 Worthy of every song we could ever sing Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for You V2 Yeshua, name above every other name Yeshua, only one who could ever save Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for You C1 Holy, there is no one like You There is none beside You Open up my eyes in wonder Show me who You are and fill me With Your heart and lead me In Your love to those around me B1 And I will build my life upon Your love, It is a firm foundation And I will put my trust in You alone And I will not be shaken

Great is the Lord (Hallelujah)

Key of F C1 Great is the Lord And greatly to be praised In the city of God In His holy place V1 We come before Your throne O God of our joy We bring You the fruit of our lips And remember the great things You did For us V2 Behold the glory of God Is now with us The people of God will arise He will wipe every tear from our eyes And sorrow and mourning will cease Forevermore B1 Hallelujah For the Lord God Almighty reigns Hallelujah Lord of Hosts the Almighty reigns V3 Rejoice oh my soul rejoice And give Him praise Rejoice oh my soul rejoice And give Him praise E1 Hallelujah For our God the Almighty reigns

It's Your Blood That Cleanses Me

Key of A V1 It's Your blood that cleanses me It's Your blood that gives me life C1 It's Your blood that took my place In redeeming sacrifice Washes me Whiter than the snow, than the snow My Yeshua, God's precious sacrifice

Thank You for the Cross

Key of G V1 Thank You for the cross The mighty cross That Yeshua should die for such as us And everyday we’re changed Into Your image more and more Yes by the cross We’ve truly been transformed C1 And we’re so amazed And we give You praise That You would save us At such a cost We’re so amazed And we give You praise For the power of the cross

We Remember You

Key of C V1 As we drink this cup, we worship You As we eat this bread, we honour You And we offer You our lives As You have offered Yours for us C1 We remember all You've done for us We remember Your covenant with us We remember and worship You, Yeshua

O the Blood

Key of G V1 O the blood Crimson love Price of life's demand Shameful sin Placed on Him The Hope of every man C1 O the blood of Y'shua washes me O the blood of Y'shua shed for me What a sacrifice that saved my life Yes, the blood, it is my victory V2 Saviour Son Holy One Slain so I can live (Oh) see the Lamb The great I Am Who takes away my sin B1 O the blood of the Lamb O the blood of the Lamb O the blood of the Lamb The precious blood of the Lamb What a sacrifice that saved my life Yes, the blood, it is my victory V3 O what love No greater love Grace, how can it be That in my sin Yes, even then He shed His blood for me E1 What a sacrifice that saved my life Yes, the blood, it is my victory


Key of C V1 Hide me now under Your wings Cover me within Your mighty hand C1 When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm Father, You are King over the flood I will be still and know You are God V2 Find rest my soul in Yah alone Know His power in quietness and trust


V1 The one who made the blind to see Is showing me His plans for me,  Showing me His plans for me The one who made the deaf to hear Is silencing my every fear,  silencing my every fear C1 I believe in Yah, I believe in Yah You're the God of miracles I believe in Yah, I believe in Yah You're the God of miracles V2 The one who does impossible Is reaching out to make me whole Reaching out to make me whole The one who rose up from the grave Now I'm living out the life He gave Living out the life He gave B1 The God who was and is to come The power of the Risen one The God who brings the dead to life You're the God of miracles You're the God of miracles


Key of D V1 Great is the Lord Yehovah Great is the Lord on high The train of His robe fills the temple and we cry out highest praise P1 Glory to the risen King Glory to the Son, glorious Son C1 Lift up your heads Open the doors Let the King of glory come in and forever be our God V2 Holy is the Lord Yehovah Holy is the Lord on high Let all the earth bow before You And crown You Lord of all

Through it All

Key of G V1 You are forever in my life You see me through the seasons Cover me with Your hand And lead me in Your righteousness And I look to You And I wait on You C1 I'll sing to You, Yah, a hymn of love For Your faithfulness to me And I'm carried in everlasting arms You'll never let me go through it all B1 We'll sing, Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Thank You Lord

Key of D V1 I come before You today And there's just one thing that I want to say Thank You Yah Thank You Yah For all You've given to me For all the blessings that I can not see Thank You Yah Thank You Yah P1 With a grateful heart With a song of praise With an outstretched arm I will bless Your name C1 Thank You Yah I just wanna thank You Yah Thank You Yah I just wanna thank You Yah Thank You Yah V2 For all You've done in my life You took my darkness and gave me Your light Thank You Yah Thank You Yah You took my sin and my shame You took my sickness and healed all my pain Thank You Yah Thank You Yah

God is Good

Key of D C1 God is good all the time He put a song of praise in this heart of mine God is good all the time Through the darkest night, His light will shine God is good, God is good all the time V1 If you're walking through the valley And there are shadows all around Do not fear, He will guide you He will keep you safe and sound He has promised to never leave you Nor forsake you, and His word is true V2 We were sinners and so unworthy Still for us He chose to die Filled us with His Holy Spirit Now we can stand and testify That His love is everlasting And His mercies, they will never end B1 Though I may not understand All the plans you have for me My life is in your hands And through the eyes of faith I can clearly see