
Showing posts from September, 2019

Shout Shout for Joy

Key of G->A V1 Shout shout for joy,  Shout shout for joy For the Lord has given us the victory 2x C1 No weapon formed against us shall prosper No kingdom raised against us shall stand For Yehovah is the rock of our salvation And we have overcome  By the blood of the lamb

Burn it Deep

Key of A V1 Burn it deep within my soul, New strength and fire, O Lord. Burn it deep within my soul, New zeal and fire, O Lord. C1 Burn it deep within my soul, New strength and fire, It makes me whole. Burn it deep, Deep within my soul.


Key of A (G capo 2) V1 My Lord and King An offering I bring A chorus of praise  fitting for Your name My hands are raised  To magnify the Lord P1 You are wonderful You are glorious Prince of peace Y'shua Son of God C1 I will run into Your presence Let me hide in Your embrace Till I am found lost in the fragrance Of my King my desire There is nowhere else that I'd rather be Than to be in the chamber of my King C2 I will run into Your presence Let me hide in Your embrace Till I am found lost in the fragrance Of my King my desire There is nowhere else that I'd rather be 3x Than to be in the chamber of my King

Glorify You Alone

Key of G V1 Who is this King of glory Beautiful and matchless one Who is this King so holy Every knee will bow at His throne P1 Y'shua, the Lamb of God Savior and King C1 You alone  are worthy of our praise forever You alone  are seated on the throne of Heaven Glorify, glorify, You alone V2 Who is this King of mercy Wonderful and full of grace Who is this King so worthy Nations fear and kingdoms praise V3 You are the King that saves us Powerful and full of love You are the King that gave us Life with every drop of Your blood B1 You alone 4x

Our Great God

Key of G V1 Eternal God, unchang-ing Mysterious and unknown Your boundless love unfail-ing In grace and mercy shown Bright seraphim in ceaseless flight Around Your glorious throne Their voices raised both day and night In praise to You alone C1 Hallelujah! Glory be to our great Yah! Hallelujah! Glory be to our great Yah! V2 Lord, we are weak and fra-il, Helpless in the storm Surround us with your an-gels Hold us in Your arms Our cold and ruthless enemy His pleasure is our harm Rise up, oh Lord, and he will flee Before our Sovereign God V3 Let every creature in the sea And every flying bird Let all the mountains, all the fields And valleys of the earth Let all the moons and all the stars Throughout the uni-verse Sing praises to the Liv-ing God Who rules by Yeshua

Psalm 63:1-4

Key of D V1 O God you are my God And I will seek Thee earnestly O God you are my God And I will seek Thee earnestly P1 My soul longs for Thee My flesh yearns for Thee In a dry and weary land  where there's no water Thus I have beheld Thee In the sanctuary to see Thy power and Thy glory C1 So I will bless Thee as long as I live  I will lift up my hands to Thy name So I will bless Thee as long as I live and in the shadow of Thy wings  I sing for joy.

Hallelujah (For As Long As I Have Breath)

Key of D V1 Captured by Your beauty Broken at Your feet Desperate for a touch from You my Ye-shua Changed by Your glory Overwhelmed by grace Lord i know i’ll never be the same again C1 Hallelujah, Hallelujah For all You have done Hallelujah O1 For as long as i have breath my lips will glorify i will sing praise to You my king O2 For as long as i have breath x3 my lips will glorify i will sing praise to You my king

Ascribe to the Lord

Key of G V1 Ascribe to the Lord O Mighty One Ascribe to the Lord Glory and strength Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name Worship the Lord In the beauty of his holiness C1 Come and sing praises To the Lord of all ages Come and sing praises To Yeshua our Lord Come and adore Him Bow down before Him Come and sing praise To Yeshua our Lord

Until the End

Key of A V1 A wreath of thorns Became Your crown My curse was laid upon Your brow Your wounds displayed for all to see Your body torn to rescue me V2 My sins You're faithful to forget Because Your love and justice met There at the cross upon that hill Lord, You fulfilled the Father's will C1 My stain of sin, Your blood erased My life redeemed, Lord By Your grace Healed and restored in Your embrace Now all I see is Your lovely face V3 Forevermore I will confess You are my Lord, my righteousness The One who died yet rose again My God and King until the end B1 Hallelujah, hallelujah Hallelujah Ye-shu-a Hallelujah, hallelujah Hallelujah Ye-shu-a

We Choose the Fear of the Lord

Key of Am V1 we choose the fear of the Lord we choose the fear of the Lord For the fear of the Lord is to hate all evil we choose the fear of the Lord we choose the fear of the Lord V2 we choose the way of the Lord we choose the way of the Lord For the way of the Lord is the way of wisdom we choose the way of the Lord we choose the way of the Lord C1 He who delights in the word of the Lord Shall be blessed in all of his ways For the friendship of God is with those who fear Him So we choose the fear of the Lord we choose the way of the Lord V3 we choose the word of the Lord we choose the word of the Lord For the word of the Lord shall endure forever we choose the word of the Lord we choose the word of the Lord C2 He who delights in the word of the Lord Shall be blessed in all of his ways For the friendship of God is with those who fear Him So we choose the fear of the Lord we choose the way of the Lord we choose the word of the Lord

Thy Word

Key of D C1 Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet  and a light unto my path. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet  and a light unto my path. V1 When I feel afraid, Think I've lost my way, Still You're there right beside me. And nothing will I fear As long as You are near. Please be near me to the end. V2 I will not forget Your love for me and yet My-heart forever is wandering. Yeshua be my guide, And hold me to Your side, I will love You to the end. E1 And a light unto my path. You're the light unto my path.

Worthy is the Lamb

Key of G V1 Thank you for the cross Lord Thank you for the price You paid Bearing all my sin and shame In love You came And gave amazing grace V2 Thank you for this love Lord Thank you for the nail pierced hands Washed me in Your cleansing flow Now all I know Your forgiveness and embrace C1 Worthy is the Lamb Seated on the throne Crown You now with many crowns You reign victorious High and lifted up Yeshua Son of God The Lamb of God was crucified Worthy is the Lamb

The law of the Lord is perfect

Key of C V1  The Torah of the Lord is perfect Converting the soul His testimony is sure Making wise the simple C  More to be desired are they than gold Yea, than much fine gold Sweeter also than honey And the honeycomb V2 The statutes of the Lord are right Rejoicing the heart The Lord's commandment is pure Enlightening the eyes C More to be desired are they than gold Yea, than much fine gold Sweeter also than honey And the honeycomb V3 The fe-ar of the Lord is clean Enduring forever The judgments of the Lord are true And righteous altogether C More to be desired are they than gold Yea, than much fine gold Sweeter also than honey And the honeycomb

I will come and bow down

Key of C V1 I will come and bow down At Your feet, Yeshua In Your presence There is fulness of joy C1 There is nothing There is no one Who compares with You I take pleasure in Worshiping You Lord B1 Heaven is Your Throne And the earth is Your footstool Y'shua I come  To bow down at Your feet O how I love Just to worship before You In Your presence My joy is complete