Until the End

Key of A

A wreath of thorns
Became Your crown
My curse was laid upon Your brow
Your wounds displayed for all to see
Your body torn to rescue me

My sins You're faithful to forget
Because Your love and justice met
There at the cross upon that hill
Lord, You fulfilled the Father's will

My stain of sin, Your blood erased
My life redeemed, Lord
By Your grace
Healed and restored in Your embrace
Now all I see is Your lovely face

Forevermore I will confess
You are my Lord, my righteousness
The One who died yet rose again
My God and King until the end

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah Ye-shu-a
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah Ye-shu-a


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