Shimcha Kadosh

Key of C 

Shimcha Kadosh, O El Elyon 
(Joy in the Holy One, O God Most High) 
Ata Gibor, O Sar Shalom 
(You are mighty, O prince of peace) 
Becha Evtach Adon La'ad 
(In You I'll trust, Lord continuously) 
Ki Le'Olam Shimcha Echad 
(Because forever, joy in Your oneness) 

O Yehovah, Malki Mashiach 
(O Yehovah, my King Messiah) 
O El Elyon, Lecha Ashira 
(O God Most High, to You I'll sing) 
O Sar Shalom, Becha batachti 
(O prince of peace, You're my trust) 
Kol Hayom Lecha Kiviti 
(All the days, I'll wait/hope for You) 

O Holy One, O Lord on high, 
You are my Rock, O El-Shaddai 
(... O God all-sufficient) 
In You I trust forever Lord 
You are Adon, Nissi, El’ad 
(You are my Lord, my Banner, my Eternal God) 

O Yehovah, my King Mashiach 
(O Yehovah, my King Messiah) 
O El Elyon, my heart will sing! 
(O God Most High, ...) 
O Sar Shalom, my strength, my shield, 
(O prince of Peace, ...) 
All day long, I wait for You


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