
Showing posts from October, 2019

How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place (Tab)

Key of C C1 C Cmaj7 Dm7 G C How lovely is your dwelling place Almighty God Am D G G7 There's a hunger deep inside my soul C Cmaj7 E E7 Am Only in Your presence, are my heart & flesh restored, Dm7 G How lovely (is Your dwelling place) V1 Dm7 C/E F C/E In Your court there's shelter for the greatest and the small Dm7 F Csus2 The sparrow has a place to build her nest D# Dm7 Cm7 F/A The pilgrim finds refreshment in the rains that fall Dm D G And each one has the strength to meet the test V2 A single day is better when spent in humble praise Than a thousand days of living without You Yehovah grants His favour on each one who obeys And blessings on the one whose heart is true O1 How lovely, How lovely is Your dwelling place

How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place

Key of C C1 How lovely is your dwelling place Almighty God There's a hunger deep inside my soul Only in Your presence, are my heart & flesh restored, How lovely (is Your dwelling place) V1 In Your court there's shelter for the greatest and the small The sparrow has a place to build her nest The pilgrim finds refreshment in the rains that fall And each one has the strength to meet the test V2 A single day is better when spent in humble praise Than a thousand days of living without You Yehovah grants His favour on each one who obeys And blessings on the one whose heart is true O1 How lovely, How lovely is Your dwelling place

Hear Our Praises

Key of A V1 May our homes be filled with dancing May our streets be filled with joy May injustice bow to Y'shua As the people turn to pray C1 From the mountains to the valleys Hear our praises rise to You From the heavens to the nations Hear our singing fill the air V2 May Your light shine in the darkness As we walk before the cross May Your glory fill the whole earth As the water o'er seas B1 Hallelujah, hallelujah Hallelujah, hallelujah Hallelujah, hallelujah Hallelujah, hallelujah

Great in Power

Key of A V1 Praise Him you heavens And all that's above Praise Him you angels And heavenly hosts Let the whole earth Praise Him V2 Praise Him the sun moon And bright shining stars Praise Him you heavens And waters and skies Let the whole earth Praise Him C1 Great in power Great in glory Great in mercy King of Heaven Great in battle Great in wonder Great in Zion King over all the earth C2 Great in power Great in glory Great in mercy King Yeshua Great in battle Great in wonder Great in Zion King of the universe

We Worship You

Key of D V1 You are exalted You're the King over all the earth And we praise Your Name Higher than heavens You're enthroned upon glorious praise There is no one like You P1 Reigning in power Matchless in splendor We life Your banner high C1 And we worship You Father God we adore You There is no one else before You You are worthy to be praised C2 And we worship You Joining heaven's host We worship You Crying holy as we bring to You This our offering of praise

Worthy of It All

Key of C V1 All the saints and angels Bow before Your throne All the elders cast their crowns Before the Lamb of God and sing C1 You are worthy of it all You are worthy of it all For from You are all things And to You are all things You deserve the glory B1 Day and night, night and day Let incense arise

Shimcha Kadosh

Key of C  V1  Shimcha Kadosh, O El Elyon  (Joy in the Holy One, O God Most High)  Ata Gibor, O Sar Shalom  (You are mighty, O prince of peace)  Becha Evtach Adon La'ad  (In You I'll trust, Lord continuously)  Ki Le'Olam Shimcha Echad  (Because forever, joy in Your oneness)  C1  O Yehovah, Malki Mashiach  (O Yehovah, my King Messiah)  O El Elyon, Lecha Ashira  (O God Most High, to You I'll sing)  O Sar Shalom, Becha batachti  (O prince of peace, You're my trust)  Kol Hayom Lecha Kiviti  (All the days, I'll wait/hope for You)  V2  O Holy One, O Lord on high,  You are my Rock, O El-Shaddai  (... O God all-sufficient)  In You I trust forever Lord  You are Adon, Nissi, El’ad  (You are my Lord, my Banner, my Eternal God)  C2  O Yehovah, my King Mashiach  (O Yehovah, my King Messiah)  O El Elyon, my heart will sing!  (O God Most High, ...)  ...

Shema Yisrael

Key of Em V1 Sh'ma Yisrael Sh'ma Yisrael Yehovah Eloheinu 2x (Hear Israel, Hear Israel,  Yehovah is our God) V2 Yehovah echad Yehovah tsidkehnu Yehovah Yeshua-teinu 2x (Yehovah is one,  Yehovah our righteousness,  Yehovah our salvation)  V3 Baruch shem k'vod malchuto Malchuto le'olam Le'olam va'ed 2x (Blessed be His name whose glorious kingdom, Kingdom forever,  Forever and ever)  O1 Yehovah Eloheinu Yeshua Eloheinu (Yehovah is our God,  Yeshua is our God)

Give Us Clean Hands

Key of E V1 We bow our hearts We bend our knees Oh Spirit come make us humble We turn our eyes From evil things Oh Lord we cast down our idols C1 So give us clean hands And give us pure hearts Let us not lift our souls to another Give us clean hands Give us pure hearts Let us not lift our souls to another C2 Oh God let us be A generation that seeks Who seeks Your face, Oh God of Jacob

Living Hope

Key of A V1 How great the chasm that lay between us How high the mountain I could not climb In desperation, I turned to heaven And spoke Your name into the night Then through the darkness, Your loving-kindness Tore through the shadows of my soul The work is finished, the end is written Yeshua, my living hope V2 Who could imagine so great a mercy? What heart could fathom such boundless grace? The God of ages stepped down from glory To wear my sin and bear my shame The cross has spoken, I am forgiven The King of kings calls me His own Beautiful Savior, I'm Yours forever Yeshua, my living hope C1 Hallelujah, praise the One who set me free Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me You have broken every chain There's salvation in Your name Yeshua, my living hope V3 Then came the morning that sealed the promise Your buried body began to breathe Out of the silence, the Roaring Lion Declared the grave has no claim on me X2 Yeshua is my victory O1 Yeshua my living hope Yeshua my living h...

Made for Worship

Key of G V1 I abandon, every distraction My attention is set on You My devotion, Yeshua my portion My affection is set on You P1 I was made to worship,  I was made for Your embrace I was made to worship,  I was made to bless Your Name C1 I will bless the Lord at all times I will bless the Lord at all times I was made to worship I was made to bless Your name V2 Captivated by Your goodness Overwhelmed by Your majesty Swept away in Your Holy Presence Giving over all of me C1 I will bless the Lord at all times I will bless the Lord at all times I was made to worship I was made to bless Your name C2 I will shout Your praise forever I will shout Your praise forever I was made to worship I was made to bless Your name B1 My heart and flesh cry out For You to fill me up You satisfy me Fill me with power and truth Fill me with love from You You satisfy me O1 I was made to worship, I was made for Your embrace I was made to worship, I was made to bless Your Name

I Worship You Almighty God

Key of D V1 I come into Your courts with praise I bow before Your throne Your presence gives me peace within And joy I've never known Lord I give to You my heart and soul May it bring you pleasure Lord There's no higher call than to worship You For You alone are God C1 I worship You, Almighty God There is none like You I worship You, O Prince of Peace That is what I long to do I give You praise For You are my righteousness I worship You, Almighty God There is none like You V2 Yeshua I live just to give You praise Refine me now as gold Please give to me a heart that’s pure For I desire to be whole Cause You O Lord Yeshua my King No one else can take Your place As I close my eyes in Your presence O Lord Let me see You face to face

Our Heart

Key of G V1 Heavenly Father Your mercy showers Down upon all people Every race upon this heart May Your Spirit pierce the darkness Break the chains of death upon us Let us rise in honest worship To declare Your matchless worth C1 Our heart our desire Is to see the nations worship Our cry our prayer Is to sing your praise to the ends of the earth C2 That with one mighty voice Every tribe and tongue rejoices Our heart our desire Is to see the nations worship You

Sovereign Over Us

Key of Em V1 There is strength within the sorrow There is beauty in our tears And You meet us in our mourning With a love that casts out fear You are working in our waiting You're sanctifying us When beyond our understanding You're teaching us to trust C1 Your plans are still to prosper You have not forgotten us You're with us in the fire and the flood You're faithful forever Perfect in love You are sovereign over us V2 You are wisdom unimagined Who could understand Your ways Reigning high above the Heavens Reaching down in endless grace You're the lifter of the lowly Compassionate and kind You surround and You uphold me And Your promises are my delight B1 Even what the enemy means for evil You turn it for our good You turn it for our good  and for Your glory Even in the valley, You are faithful You're working for our good You're working for our good  and for Your glory

Oh Lord our God How Excellent

Key of C V1 O Yah, our God,  how excellent Your name is. How excellent Your name in all the earth. Your glory fills the heavens  beyond the farthest star. How excellent Your name in all the earth. C1 When I think about the heavens,  the moon and all the stars, I wonder what You ever saw in me. But You took me and You loved me  and You've given me a crown And now I'll praise Your name eternally.