
Showing posts from November, 2019

As We Worship

Key of A V1 As we worship in Your presence  there is healing The Holy Spirit's gentle touch is flowing C1 Y'shua, we believe Y'shua, there's healing in Your name B1 Almighty Father we lift our hands to You We receive Your power To heal as You would do

O Lord Your Tenderness

Key of C V1 O Lord Your tenderness Melting all my bitterness O Lord, I receive Your love V2 O Lord, your loveliness Changing my unworthiness O Lord, I receive Your love V3 O Lord, your holiness Melting all my filthiness O Lord, I receive Your love C1 O Lord, I receive Your love O Lord, I receive Your love

My Heart Longs For You

Key of D V1 My heart longs for you, my Saviour; I would follow You, my Lord. Your kindness and love are vast as the skies; Your faithfulness never dies. My God and my King, Your great Name I sing; My offering of praise I bring. C1 Y'shua, Yeshua, I give You my life; Y'shua, Yeshua, I give You my life. V2 My soul contemplates Your glory I worship in holy awe In quietness and in confident trust I rest in all that You are I'll sing to the world Your glory and grace Until I behold Your face

We Bow Down

Key of C V1 We bow down and confess You are Lord Yeshua We bow down and confess You are Lord in this place C1 You are all I need It's Your face I seek In the presence of Your light We bow down  We bow down

Let There Be Joy

Key of G V1 We are your people oh God Washed by the blood of the Lamb Clothed in Your righteousness And in Your favour we stand We love exalting Your name Lifting up holy hands Praise to our mighty God Yehovah, the great I Am C1 Let there be joy in house of the Lord Let there be praise to the God of our salvation Let there be singing & shouting Dancing in celebration Children of Zion rejoice! O1 Children of Zion (3x) Rejoice!